Rock Paper Scissors Tournament


A Rock Paper Scissors Tournament starring Hugo Chavez, Hu Jintao, Barack Obama, John Paul II, Kim Jong-il, Idi Amin, Queen Elizabeth and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Created during the ‘Honest’ Workshop on ‘creating a common language with laughs’ held by Cary Murnion in Fabrica, Benetton’s communication research centre.
Concept, graphics and video by: Angelo Semeraro, Gaston Lisak, Marina Rosso, Michela Povoleri, Daniel Schwarz, Davide Cairo

Music: Davide Cairo

Created during the ‘Honest’ Workshop with Cary Murnion @Fabrica

Designed to go viral, the 3-day project went viral immediately with over 150k views in the first week and features on Mashable, NERDCORE/Crackajack, MSN, Yahoo News,Firstpost, ilPost, and Herald Sun


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